Personal Insurance

What would happen to your family if you could never earn more income? Think about your spouse, your kids, your house and your monthly expenses. How would you feel if we could keep your family whole, financially?

Life Insurance

Temporary life insurance is positioned to insure temporary risks. This often includes your lifetime earning value, eliminating mortgages and other debt, childcare and education. This type of coverage is less expensive because it ends and is often part of a complete insurance portfolio. 


Permanent life insurance is positioned for expenses that never expire. This often includes capital gains taxes on investment properties, charitable donations, final burial or cremation expenses and family inheritances. This type of coverage is often more efficient than self-insuring and helps avoid fire sales and scrambling to pay bills when dealing with estate lag times.


Lifelong Income

Are you starting to think about retirement plans? Maybe you have maxed out your TFSA and RRSP contributions or you are looking for a non-market correlated plan. An Insured Retirement Plan (IRP) offers a tax free retirement income for you and creates a sizable tax free estate for your beneficiaries.

Do you have kids? Are you thinking about funding their future? They have some major expenses to plan for including post-secondary education, property ownership, wedding, starting a business and building a family of their own. We can design a policy that can help fund these milestones and continue to grow tax free over their lifetime.

Living Benefits

When an illness or injury occurs, how do you plan to maintain your lifestyle? What happens if you could no longer earn an income? Would you sell your house or drain your savings? Maybe crowdfunding? If you could take matters into your own hands, living benefits is the answer. These types of insurance include critical illness, disability, and long-term care and can pay a benefit (lump-sum or monthly) to the insured while they are alive.



Critical Illness: Offers up to $2 million lump sum tax-free money for illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and others. Up to 25 illnesses can be covered. Contact us to learn how you can receive all of your money back if you never make a claim.



Disability: When you have an illness or injury and are only able to partially work or not at all, you can receive a monthly income. Note, EI sickness benefits cover up to 26 weeks to a maximum of $650/week. Worker’s compensation only covers work related incidents. We work with you to understand your current coverage including your group benefits plan to top-up your coverage where necessary.



Long Term Care: Provides up to $10,000 per month for long-term care services if you are no longer able to do 2/6 activities of daily living (Walking, Feeding, Toileting, Dressing, Bathing, Transferring from a bed to chair or vice versa). This can be used for services in your home or a care facility. 

Design My Personal Insurance Plan

What type of coverage do I want for myself and my family?